Textbook of practical house keeping.
As I stood there, the same stillness and peacefulness that seemed to have charmed the land slowly started to swept me off my feet... it lifted me up and enveloped my soul. Contemplating the nature of God as universal good brings peace... In mornings like this, I often think of Heaven, and of that joyful day when there’ll be no more sorrow, and pain and death will be no more…. I often think of a beautiful morning, and a beautiful garden full of fragrances where I'd linger in God’s presence forever more…
The grey sky, the soft sound of the wind playing among the branches of the callery pear tree, the sleepy flora--a feast to the eyes and soul…. a cute little furry stranger—enchanted as the garden himself, rested peacefully among the flowers in the Golden Unicorn Garden….
He suddenly perceived my presence and came over... meowing softly, as if welcoming me to the garden, and the morning... as if inviting me to share the garden he so graciously had claimed as his own.
Although I didn't know his name, or where he had come from, I did what he asked and went outside… I followed him to hiding holes and secret chambers...
It was an enchanted morning, indeed, although I could not stop thinking how sad would be to notice a sudden drop in song birds in my secret garden… how do I convince a cat to stay away from my feathered friends? After that I got a bit cold and went back in the house...
Ah Morning, you have a way with my heart…
you pass away too soon, you are swift to go.
My heart overflows like a brimming cup before you….