Have I already told you about some of the fun things I’ve been enjoying lately; like finding fairy paths in the garden and enjoying the roses? Ah roses. I don't know exactly how to express this joyful feeling roses bring to my heart. I guess the only words I can articulate would be wonder, bliss; Paradise. Can those words justify my feelings enough?

When I'm surrounded by my roses all I have to do is close my eyes to slip into this sorts of a magical world... and dream, and believe, and hope, and tumble too sometimes! It's like if all of a sudden someone hands you this magical key to a magical world and all you have to do is open its door and jump right into it.

Can you imagine that day when sin will be no more, when pain and death will be no more and we'll be returned to 'that' primitive garden where humanity started millions of years ago? Cause oh, I do believe in that! Ah, I can almost see it too... a shrubbery gate and then—the great gardens! Truly magical!

When I think about the garden of Eden my imagination gets carried away. Paradise; a garden outside the earth. Can you imagine? Compare to the gardens of Heaven, the loveliest of gardens here on earth are but a sad shadow; something like Mary Lennox's Secret Garden... gardens that have been shut up for years; abandoned if you will; a dark and lomesome place with winding walks and borders and flower-beds, but the flower-beds are bare and wintry and the fountains are not playing. Shut up gardens; inhabited only by birds... We, mankind are now living where we don't actually belong.

But of course, I don't want to be a pessimist; or scare you? Yes, we can still find plenty of beauty here on earth; here all around us! So I look again around me and this time, what do I see? My Collette rose; from the romantica series in the loveliest shade of pink, growing at a corner of the pergola. What a joy!

This rose pulse with healing energy, and the scent wafting from it is truly heavenly; like some strong sweet tea from some magical region.

Oh, talking about tea! I've been also collecting herbs; just like Arabella used to do back in her time four hundred solar years ago.

Here is the mint—a clapper of a dark green. The very scent stirred by breezes has gone into my being. To me, mint speaks of Arabella in her magical garden, it speaks of refreshment and delight… but oh my friend, you must be very careful with where you plant mint. Mint, left to its own devices, will spread quickly and become a nuisance. Just try to choose a spot where you won’t mind its rampant growth, that’s all…

Oh, and have I told you we’re having peonies this year? Yes, after five years trying to cultivate peonies they’re finally thriving in our garden. They’re growing more and more with each passing day; yet they seem to be taking their own special time to unfurl. Would they ever open—I wonder.

A very strange woman once told me that ants are responsible for unfurling those huge peony buds that you think they’re never going to get unwrapped… but I haven’t seen any ants in my garden thanks goodness. Maybe, the peony ants would just come out at night when nobody is watching and work their magic on the peonies by the light of the moon, so that the following morning when you wake up and go to the garden you’d be surprise by all those blooms? It had to be that… Oh, I’d have to watch for those peony ants! ;) Are you peonies teeming with ants yet?

It is truly magical around here these days with all the roses, new colors and lovely scents. Beyond delightful, really.

I hope you're having a grand day and a super special week. Thank you for all your comments and thoughts on my previous post--wow! You're all extra special to me! Can we have tea in the garden some time? I mean, you and I? Yes yes, Kathy, and Nana Diana and Gayla and Theresa, and and you and you, and yes, you too those of you who come by often; yet never say hi! I know you're still there, and that makes me super happy! ;) OK then. We'll have a tea party next time. See you super soon!