"her" Master Closet Makeover
Tuesday, July 31, 2012 Posted by memetnot77 at 6:00 PMHomemade French Toast
Monday, July 30, 2012 Posted by memetnot77 at 2:00 AMHome
Saturday, July 28, 2012 Posted by memetnot77 at 10:20 PM
And thus, “coming home” is a comforting feeling; of safety and quiet joy within one’s heart.
"Coming home" are words overflowing with thoughts of cozy cottages, and sumptuous flowers and old roses and a walled cottage garden where delphiniums and Shasta daisies grow as tall as sunflowers. They bubble with lace and fluffy comfortable pillows and sweet pastel beds linens and roses from the garden and old shabby furniture.
They exude joyful feelings and are brim with nostalgia and lovely romantic bits and pieces...

...a soft, cottage-style home with a feminine feel. That, and much more, is what "coming home" means to me… and thus, I am glad to be back to all that… ;)
Coming to the garden was a magical endeavor all by itself. So much had happened here while I was gone, and in such short time… An unbelievably lushness surrounded me the minute I stepped outside. Everything shimmered in greens and yellows and pinks. A wild paradise all to myself!
I'm happy to be home, even when our central air-conditioning broke yesterday and temperatures around here are in the top 3 digits... augh! It feels like Florida! ;) We're sleeping under the stars tonight for sure.
Friday, July 27, 2012 Posted by memetnot77 at 1:04 PM• Worked off 58% of her body weight (highest percentage lost in TV history)
• Joined the Extreme Makeover team to coach Season 3 contestants
a link between angels and men
Thursday, July 26, 2012 Posted by memetnot77 at 7:53 PM"A babe in the house is a well-spring of pleasure, a messenger of peace and love, a resting place for innocence on earth, a link between angels and men."
Living in a fish tank
Wednesday, July 25, 2012 Posted by memetnot77 at 10:20 PMYears living in a place where low humidity and cooler evenings are the predominance make you do that—make you forget what humidity can do to your body, or what it does to your mind; particularly your mind.
And thus, I’ve been living in a gigantic fish tank for the last couple of weeks; swimming in perspiration so thick you start imagining strange things… A sizzling spell of weather swirled in one particular super hot afternoon. Humidity took over, tresses grew thicker than ever and frizzed beyond control. I could hardly moved... was my body growing a tail too? I was almost certain I saw gills on my neck and scales growing out of my skin. If it wasn't because at that precise moment I was awaken, I'm sure I would have turned into a mermaid... some scary thing, I tell ya! ;)

Well, if you happen to live in South Florida, then you know what I mean... and that's where I've been—Miami, to be exact; home to Mami and Papi (mom and dad) and my dear sister Lissette and nephews and aunts and uncles and rest of family. My heart have yearned for a return to the home of my youth for such a long time now that I have almost forgotten how long have I lived in my landlocked mountainous home... long enough to have grown apart from the sea people and their South Beach culture.
So I am the 'strange' one here... going to the beaches clad in the usual layers of voile skirts... unable to free the body in some skimpy swimming suit.. ;) I really can't.

I rather walk the beaches of South Florida collecting treasures...

Giving back to the sea that what belongs to the sea...

Feeling the cool waters tickling my toes... white sand between my toes, over the soles, up and down the sides.
It was fun drying our clothes outside... there is absolutely nothing better than the sweet smell of sun dried clothing fresh off the clothesline.
Surrounded by dear people, excellent food and Cuban coffee after each meal for half the price of a Starbuck's... and of course, finding a cool respite in Mami's walled garden, under the giant bougainvillea by the garden's gate... what a lovely and dear place this is to me...
Real magic swirls around; encompasses every inch of my soul... it catapults me in harmony and bliss. It's the magic of love and acceptance and the home of my youth; my parents' home and what it represents to me and my sister Lissette still today...
I am sad I have to leave, but I am already looking forward to the comfort of my own home and my magical garden. I miss my days spent there, in my little world; surrounded by my things in a land and climate still somewhat foreign to me after so many years, but at the end "home" to me...
Thank you, my friend, for listening and for being here with me. You're so special to me I cannot even begin to tell you. Sometimes, when I feel alone, or sad I think of you and this virtual home where I can always come to and say what I want, and feel so blessed. Blessed to have known you, people which I may never get to know in person; yet I so treasure in my heart... may you all be blessed and inspire by what you find here.