Thursday, March 31, 2011
Posted by
10:30 PM
I am so excited to let you all know Shaklee is offering…
FREE SHAKLEE MEMBERSHIP with only a $30 order!!
That is our BEST Join Free Offer yet!
A Shaklee membership gives you…
15% discount (off retail prices) on product purchases
Special promotions, offers and discounts
Unconditional money-back guarantee
Access to, Shaklee’s center for health and wellness news and information from Shaklee’s Health Sciences Team, and product experts
There are NO MINIMUMS to maintain your membership! :)
I am on a mission to help them! :)
Consider this: one family deciding to convert to our non-toxic biodegradable household cleaners keeps the equivalent of 5,000 bottles of conventional "ready-to-use" glass cleaner out of landfills. What would it mean if 50,000 families did the same? A great big thanks from the planet, and from people all over the world who share this wonderful home we call Earth.
If you have been considering becoming a distributor, you can now get more!!! Contact me for more info.
I am reading and using the book called, Organize Now! by Jennifer Ford Berry, to help me organize my life and before we get started today, I would like to share a message form Jennifer!
Hello everyone!
I have been following along with your posts from House of Grace and I told Bonnie I had to stop in and say hi! First of all, I am very inspired by all of your great ideas. Organizing is truly my passion so I love reading how the book is changing lives. I thank each and every one of you for purchasing and sharing your experience with Organize Now!
I have a section on my website for posting Reviews of Organize Now. Please feel free to email me your favorite post about a chapter in the book and I will post your link to my site. Just include the name of your blog and the URL in your email.
I am also on Facebook and Twitterand would love to connect with all of you. If you have any questions while reading the book please feel free to contact me.
Happy Organizing!
Jennifer Ford Berry
Thanks Jennifer for that message! I hope you will all head over to her site and follow her (I do)! I also hope that when you link up here, you will also head on over to Jennifer’s facebook page leave your link there too! (again, I do!)
You can buy the book here…
This week is Organizing Your Bill-Paying System!
There are a lot of different ways to pay your bills!
Some people have paper everywhere and hope they paid everything on time and others have a system that works for them.
Having a system, even a simple one, can make your bill paying a lot smoother!
Set a Pay Billing Schedule!
You should pick a day that you pay your bills whether weekly or bi-weekly AND PUT IT IN YOUR PLANNER!!! This is important and you don’t want to forget to pay a bill, especially a mortgage payment. We have a system that works for us. My husband brings in the mail and I sort it. I immediately THROW out ALL junk mail. Then, I place all the incoming mail in a file and the bills in another file. I pay most of our bills and I actually really like paying them the day we get them. I know, that is not a real schedule, I will try to pick one day for that! But we do schedule our mortgage and credit card bills. My husband is in charge of those biggies. My husband gets paid bi-weekly and he pays our mortgage after one check and the credit card bill after the other. That way, we make sure the big one are taken care of! Our system in a team effort, ha! This works for us.
I showed you HERE, how I file my mail. I keep my mail “file” box right in my kitchen, where I pay my bills.
Set up a bill paying section.
Get all your stamps, envelopes, calculator, address labels, etc together. I have a drawer in my kitchen where I keep all my stuff together. But, besides my magazine subscription bills, I can’t remember the last time I sent a check in the mail. I told you all last week that we do everything online. I LOVE paying bills online!!! It saves me time because I don’t have to fill out a check and envelope (not that it’s hard, it is just one more thing!). It saves my money because I am not buying envelopes and stamps. Also, I can trust that my check will not get lost in the mail. I can also see how much money is in the account.
Write paid.
After you pay your bills, write paid on it! You don’t want to double pay a bill! To make it easier to pay bills, try to only have one credit card! The less bills to pay the easier!!
Record your bill.
It is good to keep track of all your expense, so record what you just paid. This is also a great time to check your balance!
To keep things organized, FILE your bill after you pay it! Keep a file for all paid bills.
I keep my paid bills in a file cabinet. This makes it easy to file and find later if I need to look at it again.
For more tips, please read, Organize Now! I have been getting a lot of emails from people telling me how much they like this book. If you are looking for a helpful yet simple book to get your life in order, I highly recommend it! :) I am not getting paid to promote this book but if you order through my link, I will get a small percentage.
Thanks! :)
To read the 1st week’s post, on Organizing your Mind, click HERE!
To read the 2nd week’s post, on Organizing your Schedule, click HERE!
To read the 3rd week’s post, on Organizing your Cleaning Schedule, click HERE!
To read the 4th week’s post, on Organizing your Priorities, click HERE!
To read the 5th week’s post, on Organizing your Personal Information, click HERE!
To read the 6th week’s post on Organizing your Finances, click HERE!
Also, don’t forget that you can get a FREE SHAKEE CINCH SAMPLER KIT (over $100 value) with the purchase of a Shaklee membership (a $19.95 one time fee to save you 15% off ALL orders including your first order) or ShakleeDistributorship ($39.95) AND a $70 order at member price (MN). To get this special, place the products in your cart, and then it will tell you that you qualify for the free Cinch Sampler Kit at the top. After that, sign up as a member or distributor. You DO NOT need to place the sampler kit in your cart…it is automatic, just make sure to check if you qualify. Please note, if you become a Gold Ambassador, you do not need to place an order to get the free kit. Please email me at for any questions. ***Plus, I will let you know of ALL OF MY NEW MEMBER SPECIALS!!!*** You can read about my Cinch results here and my sister’s amazing story here.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Posted by
6:00 PM
I just wanted to send you a quick reminder that March 31st the last day for this special!
This is the BEST SHAKLEE SPECIAL that I have EVER seen… Seriously!!!
The testimonies are coming in…
I am hearing great stories from people (men and women) losing weight already!!! You will notice a difference after a couple of days!!!
I personally know people losing 2 to 6.7 pounds a week!!! This program works if you follow along!!!!
You will keep your muscles and burn your FAT!!! You will lose those unwanted inches!!!
Isn’t that what we all want?
When you sign up as a new Member or Distributor with a minimum $70 MN order (a Healthy Home Kit qualifies!), or as a new GOLD Ambassador with the purchase of a GOLD Premiere, GOLD Ambassador or a Super GOLD before March 31st and get a Cinch Sampler Pack, a $101 retail value, for FREE!*
If you are a current Shaklee member and want take advantage of this deal, simply upgrade your membership to a distributor with a qualifying order ($70MN order) or to a GOLD and you will get this Cinch Sampler Kit FREE!!! (over $100 value) Plus, you will be able to get another product (up to $100) for free with your next $100 within 30 days! SWEET!!! That’s a whole lotta savings!!! :)
The Cinch Sampler Pack Includes:
* 1 canister of Cinch Vanilla Shake Mix * 1 box of Cinch Peanut Butter Crunch Snack Bars * 1 box of Cinch Pomegranate Energy Tea Mix * Program Guide
Also included: three months of introductory membership to (Charges will apply in fourth and subsequent months.)
Check out this video!
"Cinch is very easy! The weekly measuring keeps me motivated, and I am still going strong! On my journey to attain my pre-cancer weight, I have found myself again." Nancy says.
Here is Nancy, 53 pounds healthier*
In June 2006, Nancy was diagnosed with cancer—stage four malignant metastatic melanoma. Treatments for the cancer were successful but left her with some extra pounds. As grateful as she was to be healthy again, Nancy wanted to get her old shape back, too.
“Over the next three years,” Nancy says, “I tried several popular diets. Nothing worked for me; I even gained weight on one plan. My thyroid was checked in case the cancer treatment had changed its function, but it was normal. I thought I would just have to learn to accept being overweight.”
Nancy was familiar with Shaklee because her father has been taking Shaklee vitamins for 40 years. And she recalls that “learning about the Cinch Inch Loss Plan seemed like an answer to my prayers! I needed to find ‘me’ again.”
At 200 pounds, Nancy started the Cinch program. She followed the plan diligently, tweaking it a bit to make it fit her schedule: a shake for breakfast, half of a Meal-in-a-Bar for lunch, and a sensible dinner—plus a 3-in-1 Boost tablet with each meal and Cinch Energy Tea Mix each afternoon. Now she is 53 pounds lighter.
“I went from size 16 to size 10 and lost 29½ total inches,” she says.
“Cinch is very easy! The weekly measuring keeps me motivated, and I am still going strong! On my journey to attain my pre-cancer weight, I have found myself again. Thank you, Cinch, and thank you to the Shaklee Distributor who took time to come talk to me. I FEEL GREAT!”
*Results not typical. In a preliminary clinical study of the Cinch Inch loss Plan, participants on average lost 15.4 pounds in 12 weeks.
For my information about why and how this programs works, go HERE!
To get this special, place the products in your cart, and then it will tell you that you qualify for the free Cinch Sampler Kit at the top. After that, sign up as a member or distributor. You DO NOT need to place the sampler kit in your cart…it is automatic, just make sure to check if you qualify. Please note, if you become a Gold Ambassador, you do not need to place an order to get the free kit.
Please contact me for my new member specials or if you have any questions!
To create a somewhat romantic country atmosphere, I’m using my new country style iron pot holder as a centerpiece...
I love this little piece... it is in perfect condition, the wide-mouthed glass jars are the perfect size, and it only cost me $3.00! I can use it to hold kitchen utensils and napkins, but also flowers... Roses from the garden would look extra dreamy in these containers...
Tea is ready, and I have made a scrumpdelicious chocolate cake to go with it; topped with my ever favorite cream cheese frosting...
You see, the weather around here calls for baking. So that’s what I’ve been doing. Is spring at your doorsteps yet? Not here! I have a little grudge with Ms. Spring this year, yes I do! She’s been playing a little game with me... hide and seek hide and seek, and I’m starting to feel exhausted! Yes, it's still cold and it’s been raining and raining and then the sun comes out for a little bit—just a little bit to tease me, and here I am getting all excited for warmer weather... I see the first budding blossoms of tulips, daffodils and hyacinths and think: “It must be spring”! And so I go running to my shabby winter garden... but what a fool I am! The minute I wander outside, the craziest of winds starts to blow... or the coldest of rain would fall, and I have to run back indoors. There’s so much to do out there... so much! And sometimes you just have to brave the weather and do the job the best you can.
I know... spring cleaning can wait a little longer, right? But I’m extra eager and extra energized with thoughts of bringing the garden back to its formal orderly estate. And so, it’s been quiet a nightmare working in the garden these past few weeks.... phew! I’m convinced that my neighbors must think I’m absolutely cuckoo. But what can I do!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Posted by
2:00 AM
Most of you already know that I am from a BIG family!
YES! I am now the OLDEST of a DOZEN!!!!
That is right, I have 7 brothers and 4 sisters!!!
Some people might think that’s crazy but we love our big family!!!
About a month ago, my Mother had her 12th baby!
Over the weekend, we celebrated my baby sister’s Baptism!
I want you all to meet my little sister, Mary Clare.
(I forgot my SD card in my camera, so all my pictures are from my iphone.)
Here we are, the oldest (age 26) and the youngest!
Here are my happy Parents of a Dozen (by the way, they started a blog too!) and their baby!!!
Here is my brother and all his Godchildren!! hahaha
Here is a picture of all my siblings!!!! Yes, I am one of the shortest, lol!
Here is a picture of my family!
Here is a picture of my WHOLE family!!!! Parents and siblings!!!!!
I just wanted you all the meet my new sister!!!
Come back tonight for my Twice Owned Tuesday Party!
Have a great day! :)
Also, don’t forget that you can get a FREE SHAKEE CINCH SAMPLER KIT (over $100 value) with the purchase of a Shaklee membership (a $19.95 one time fee to save you 15% off ALL orders including your first order) or ShakleeDistributorship ($39.95) AND a $70 order at member price (MN). To get this special, place the products in your cart, and then it will tell you that you qualify for the free Cinch Sampler Kit at the top. After that, sign up as a member or distributor. You DO NOT need to place the sampler kit in your cart…it is automatic, just make sure to check if you qualify. Please note, if you become a Gold Ambassador, you do not need to place an order to get the free kit. Please email me at for any questions. ***Plus, I will let you know of ALL OF MY NEW MEMBER SPECIALS!!!*** You can read about my Cinch results here and my sister’s amazing story here.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Posted by
4:30 PM
Welcome to "SHOW OFF YOUR COTTAGE MONDAY", a blog party I host at the beginning of each week to celebrate the things we love about our homes and how we live.
I’m ready for spring.... are you not? Well, spring is usually a little slow in coming here. Our mountains are still encased in snow, and it looks as if all the crazy winds of the world have decided to make our valley their home.... swish swoosh they sing and dance and destroy things too! ;) So while my unfaltering daffodils, sweet woodruff, spirea and every other bulb and shrubs in the garden spring into action, I’m turning my attention to sweeter things... like decorating my home. Do you remember my new chair here?
Well, she is now sitting pretty by my window all dressed up in Valspar Antique White! Doesn’t she look lovely!
Oh oh and welcome to my "early signs of spring"—my new flowery tablecloth! I love the colors and flowers on this tablecloth... it reminds me of the first little flowerings of spring. I just had to show it to ye all! ;)
What are you celebrating today? Please take us to your cottage and share your blessings... You’re welcome to link, but please make sure you link back to the house in the roses!