Coat Closet Turned into a Functional Organized Closet

Thursday, June 30, 2011
2011 06 26_5816
Welcome to Week 17 of our Organize your Life series!
Organize your LIFE
  I am excited to show you my finished coat closet transformation!
First,  I will show you our awful before picture!!  (We all like seeing the befores, right?)
2011 05 29_5262
Oh yes, that was really what it looked like!  Embarrassing, I know!!!
It has looked like that for almost 4 years too!  It was just one of those places that I never tried to organize and would just close the door, ha!  Please tell me you have a place like that too!  Ok, maybe I am the only one but at least I finally organized it! 
Well, my hubby helped.  Oh, and the kids did too! Smile
2011 05 29_5263
Here they are installing my new shelves.  By the way,  I picked up all my shelves at a garage sale for only $30!!!  YES!  All we had to do was buy the backs and the things that hold up the shelves.
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We just shoved everything on the table and I started going through it!
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I like the shelves!
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But,  I am obsessed with bins so I had to get some!
I love the ones at Walmart!  I bought the bigger version of the ones that I used to organize my crafts.
photo (6)
Here are some after shots!
2011 06 26_5814
Now everything has a place!  BooYah!
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I also made labels for every bin!
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There is little to no room for shoving now!  I just love that,  I am forced to stay organized now!
2011 06 26_5817
I show you a little of the afters in a previous post but I will show you more today!
We keep our keyboard at the top!
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Then our toolbox.  By the looks of it, I will be needing to find a bigger one!
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It was easy to fill all the bins!
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I love this bin, “Give to People” because I always have so much stuff to give away or people keep leaving their stuff here so now I have a good place to keep the stuff.
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So there ya go!  My coat closet was turned onto a functional closet!
2011 06 26_5817
What do you think?
Do you have a closet like this?
What are you organizing now?  Anything?  Or do you take the summer off?
I am still using  Organize Now! by Jennifer Ford Berry but I have been posting a little of schedule.  I will get back on track when the kids go back to school!
What have you been organizing lately?
Show us by linking up!!!
(You can link up any organizing project that you have been working on!)
Organize your life
Have a great day! :)

Easy Nacho Platter

Wednesday, June 29, 2011
2011 06 19_5660
Hello!  The time has come where we are party house hoppin’ every weekend so thought that I would share one of my favorite appetizers to make!
2011 06 19_5661
Everyone likes a good nacho platter, right?
2011 06 19_5662
I make mine simple, easy and healthy!
2011 06 19_5663
Nacho Platter
Bottom Layer
I just mix (in a food processor)a good salsa with a package or 2 of cream cheese
(you can also use refried beans and sour cream)
Then I add…
lettuce (cut small)
shredded cheese
green onions 
Enjoy with your favorite bag on chips!  I like the multi-colored flax chips from Trader Joes.
That is it!  EASY… and it goes down fast! Just don’t forget to bring the chips!
It always seems to be a big hit at parties!
What is your favorite appetizer to make?


Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Do you love clothes? And do you have a hard time finding clothes that fit? I do! I love clothes, but my body just doesn't conform to standards set by manufacturers anymore, or so it seems. That’s why I was so excited when Heather Johnson from ShabbyApple contacted me to ask if I wanted to review their products on my blog. Off course I wanted to!! ShabbyApple—Sounds dreamy, doesn’t it? Just the name would want to make anyone browse their site!

ShabbyApple have the most amazing collection of vintage dresses you have ever seen... This is not just another online boutique specializing in women’s apparel; their owners and designers recognize that finding the perfect dress can sometimes be challenging, which is why they strive to design highly fashionable dresses for all types of women. Choosing among all their lovely dresses was the hard part! They've a fantastic selection and making a decision was tough. I finally opted for this pretty spring dress:

The name of the dress is Primavera, which means spring. And you all know how much I love spring! It was just so me!

And of course, I had to model my new dress for you! ;) All required now is 30 pounds off my body to look anything like the model on the above pictures, right? So I hope you won't be too harsh on making comparisons! ;)

Whether you’re looking for evening dresses, blouses, or the perfect skirt, ShabbyApple should have something that is right for you! And keep in mind that they are always designing new dresses for women, as well as coming out with entirely new fashion lines. So if you can’t find the perfect dress for you, go check this amazing boutique right now!

But wait... because I know how much you all are going to love this line of clothe, I have a surprise for you! ShabbyApple was so generous to offer a 10% discount for my readers! Simply enter the following code during checkout: houseinroses10off. Discount is good for the next 30 days so be sure to take advantage!

All Roses Show Off Your Cottage Monday

Sunday, June 26, 2011
Hello to you! And welcome to Show Off Your Cottage Monday, a blog party I host at the beginning of each week to celebrate the things we love about our homes and how we live. If you're new here, thanks for stopping by and if you've visited before, thanks for returning!

The House in the Roses

If you remember, last week I suggested that our theme for this week be "ROSE BOUQUETS".--simple, elegant, small, large, dried or fresh bouquets in whatever container or vase you wanted; but only just roses (not in bush)! And thus some of us worshipers of roses have come together for this special “Show Off Your Cottage Monday and prepared what I consider an extraordinary rose-filled post to brighten your day... so sit back and enjoy! The lovely hostesses are:

Hakan (the roseman), at Maleviks Rose Gardens

Pam, at White Ironstone Cottage

María Cecilia, at: Casa Dulce Hogar

Miss Bella, at: Bellas Rose Cottage

Carolyn, at Aiken House and Gardens

And some of my own bright beauties from The house in the roses:

Do you have some lovely rose bouquets you're just dying to show off? Now is the time! Link and take us there! Remember, if you rather show off something other than our theme feel free to link that up too! Just please link back to The House in the Roses as courtesy!

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