Picture Bow Holder

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Good morning!  I hope that you are having a great week so far.  Please go check out my latest review and giveaway at Tatertots and Jello.

Today, I want to show you a cute little project that I have in my daughter’s room.

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This is an easy project that anyone can do.  It would look great in most rooms including a bathroom, entry way, laundry room, master bedroom or daughters, room!

You will need….

a picture frame (or multiple)


staple nail gun

I used 3 frames like this one.

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Then cut some ribbon.

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Staple it to the back of the frame.

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Cut another piece of ribbon and tie it into a bow over the other ribbon.

2010 06 25_5316 Like this.

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Then hang then it from a nail or screw.

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I have three in a row in my daughter’s room.

This is how it looks.

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2010 06 25_5304  2010 06 25_5306  2010 06 25_5310 2010 06 25_5311      

This is a really EASY project that anyone can do!  I feel like is adds so much to her room.  It is so cute and girly!!!

You can do this with any frame and any ribbon.

What do you think?

Have a great day!!!

Bonnie :)

I am linking to these parties.

Don’t forget that TODAY is your last day for a FREE MEMBERSHIP.

A Summer dream

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Warm breezes are blowing and the garden is in bloom...

I've decided I should move here...

And dream, and be transported to places where the woodland elves dwell.

The Monarchs have arrived, the last pink roses have bloomed, beds sprouting green shoots and blushing flower buds whisper a promise of more bouquets to come...

All year I dream of the days when the sun is warm, the sky is blue, the grass is green, and the garden is all new again... That time is here now, and I'm joyfully living my dream...

This is my reward for nourishing the earth that is placed in my care.

I hope you are spending time out there in your garden, enjoying your own magical moments!

How Much Do You Spend on Cleaners??? Last Chance For a FREE MEMBERSHIP

Sunday, June 27, 2010

I hope that you all had a great weekend.  I did!  Today, we celebrated my daughters 5th Birthday and my husband’s Grandparents 50th Wedding Anniversary!  We are all wiped out so I will post my weekly pictures later on this week.

In this post, I want to first of all THANK everyone that has bought Shaklee from me!!!  I am very appreciative of all business but even more than that,  I LOVE helping people!!!  I LOVE getting emails from you telling me how much that you love the products.  I love hearing how these products helped with your child’s allergies or autism, or your child’s skin rash went away, that you lost weight from our Cinch line and how now you are SAVING money by switching cleaners.

That is what Shaklee is all about, creating healthier lives, and they have been doing that for over 50 years now!  That is a long time in the business world.  That also shows something about this company……GREAT PRODUCTS!!!!!

Our mission at Shaklee is to provide a healthier life for everyone and a better life for anyone. We do it by making natural products that are so exceptional, you just have to tell your friends. Every product that goes into every Shaklee bottle is designed to improve health, work without compromise, and be gentle on the planet. That’s the short answer. 

Today, I also wanted to remind you about our JUNE special…..FREE MEMBERSHIP with a 50 PV order.  (PV = point value and the points show up in the cart.)  A Get Clean Starter Kit qualifies!!!

By ordering the GET CLEAN STARTER KIT today, you will receive a FREE MEMBERSHIP!!!

This membership fee is regularly $19.95.  It is a LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP and you will ALWAYS receive 15% OFF your orders and all order will be shipped right to your door.  Plus, you can order ALL products online.

I always recommend that you start with that kit because it has everything that you will need to clean your house.   I started with that kit and LOVE it!!!  Click HERE to see what the kit includes.

Most of you have seen my giveaways on other blogs, so you have seen their results. 

YES, these products WORK!!!!

I have told you over and over again how safe these products are for your family.

YES, these products are SAFE!!!!

I have even told you how CHEAP these products are.

YES, these products are CHEAP …………..but,

I know that is the REASON that some of you are NOT SWITCHING YET! 

I know because people have told me that they think they are expensive….BUT they are not understanding how  concentrated cleaner works.

So, I am going to de-bunk the myth that these are too expensive right NOW!!!


Get Clean Cost Comparison 2009 -- MN

This chart is a reason alone to switch!  I know that it helped me make my decision!

Did you check out how much it costs to make a GALLON of window cleaner?  LESS THAT 1 CENT!!!!   That’s CRAZY!

I also have to be honest,  when I do laundry and wash my dishes, I use even LESS than they recommend and it still does the job!  So I save even more money that way!

I SAVE hundreds of dollars each year by using these products, plus I am keeping the chemicals out of my home and helping our planet!

I wrote this post because I know so many of you are on top of the fence debating to switch and I wanted to educate you on how much you will be saving by switching brands. With the tough economy right now, I know people are looking for ways their family can save money and I want to help make a difference!  Plus, these products are safer for your family too!!!

You'd have to spend more than $3,400 to get the same amount of clean found in the Get Clean Starter Kit!

And, when you purchase the Get Clean Starter Kit you also make a positive impact on the planet:

  • Keep 108 pounds of packaging waste from landfills.
  • Eliminate 248 pounds of greenhouse gas.

Remember, there is ONLY a COUPLE OF DAYS LEFT to get the FREE MEMBERSHIP!!!!

If you want another great special email me at donahuewellness@hotmail.com!

Whether you are welcoming a new baby or pet into your home, avoiding chemical products, trying to improve your family’s health and wellness, helping allergies,  helping keep our planet safe or just wanting to save money,  this all-inclusive Get Clean Starter Kit  will get you started on a cleaner, safer, greener home that saves you money!

Remember, this special only last until JUNE 30th, so hurry and order today!

Click here to visit my site or order the kit.

What did you think about the chart????

Bonnie :)

For questions about ordering or additional specials, email me at donahuewellness@hotmail.com

Show Off Your Cottage Monday

Welcome to “Show Off Your Cottage Monday”, a blog party I host at the beginning of each week to celebrate the things we love about our homes and how we live.

The House in the Roses

Do you love textile? Are you like me in my obsessions with pillows and table linens? The other day I realized that I have boxes full of tablecloths and fabrics just waiting to be used for something... Are you like that too? Oh yes, I'm in love with textile, the charm of fabric, the softness, the blending of colors and different textures... There is something rich and dazzling in the mixture of fabrics. There are blues with hues that remind you of the beauty of aquamarine, and there is the romantic colors of beryl, and there is the lushness of pinks and the warmth of yellows and celadon, peach, lilac and other rich pastels.... their combination is just pure bliss... So, can you already guess what I'm celebrating today?

I'm such a fabric fanatic, and these pictures are so beautiful... unfortunately I can't remember where I got them from, so you'll have to forgive me for not giving the proper credit... and what are you celebrating today? I would love to hear it.

This collection has been deleted by its author
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A girly girl...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

"I’m very fond of men. I think they are wonderful creatures.

I love them dearly. But I don’t want to look like one.

When women gave up their long skirts, they made a grave error…"

~Tasha Tudor

PS: National Fairy Day is celebrated today, and I have prepared a post with a little cute video for you! Click on DREAMLAND, and enjoy! Oh, and don't forget to spread your wings and fly! Is allowed today!

My Powder Room Makeover

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

bathroom makeover

That was a before and after picture of my downstairs powder room.   I decorated this bathroom for CHEAP!!!

I not totally done with it, but I am happy for now. 

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One of the things that I still want to do is to add molding around the mirror.  Do you think that I should go white or black???

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I guess that I will start off with  my curtain and rod.

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I actually made this curtain with fabric that I already had……FREE!  The rod was brand new from the Goodwill for $5.  (It is originally from Target.)

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Here is a better look.

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I got this holdback on Clearance from Wal-Mart for like $7 (and it came in a pack of 2, so I get to use another on some where else.)

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These rings were a little more than I wanted to spend….they were $10 from Linens n Things.  I really wanted the big rings!

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This wall clock was only 5 bucks from a garage sale.

2010 06 02_4656 I got these flowers for $3- GS.

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Because we save some much on decorating our house by finding EVERYTHING from garage sales, over the winter, we splurged and  got granite in here and the kitchen.  I had to say that I am loving it.

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This artwork was only $3 from a GS.

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I bought this tot stool from a GS for $2 and I painted the top black.  (It was a light oak color.)

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We bought all of our hardware on ebay for half price.  They were under $2 each!

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I bought this mirror for 1 dollar!!!!  Where you ask?  A Garage Sale of course!!!

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I accessories are from Aldi special purchase.  Once a year, they had great bathroom deals.  I got a light fixture, towel ring,  towel bar,  tp holder and towel hook for $40.  I also used the kit here.

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Here is a picture of the tp holder, nice huh?

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I got that lamp for $3.

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This soap dispenser was from the Goodwill for like $3.

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This is the light that came with the house, but I think that I will be changing it soon.

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Here is the before. 


Here is the after.  Oh yeah, before I forget, I  My husband painted this room Capilano Bridge from Benjamin Moore.

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I hope that you like it.  You don’t have to spend a lot of money to decorate.

bathroom makeover

I hope that you have a great day!

Bonnie :)

I am linking to some of these parties.

If you have been thinking about joining Shaklee to receive 15% OFF on ALL orders, now is the time because in June your membership ($19.95 value) can be waived with a 50 PV (point value) order.  A Get Clean Starter Kit qualifies you.  Also, if you email me first, I can let you know about other ways to save even more on this order.  Click here for more details.