Christmas in July

Thursday, July 8, 2010
A box... a gift inside a box waiting outside the front door for her to discover it…

She feels like a child at Christmas time before a huge Christmas tree... She laughs, shivering with anticipation of the joy and excitement of Christmas...

The tree is decorated in Victorian style with an assortment of glittering white old-fashioned ornaments, and special handmade cards, and there are satin cords and pearl and crystal beads, but she doesn’t see any… she only have eyes for that special gift… and so she tears, and laughs and rips and opens up the box...

Creamy rose, the glitter of silver leaves, linen sheets, ribbons, and crisp wrapping paper add their own notes to this exhilarating feeling, of joy and total surprise… She can't wait to open the box and yet, she doesn't... the beautifully wrapped gift seems almost too nice in its packing to take out...

She decided she's going to wait... give the package another day and retain for a few more hours the magic trapped inside... so she will leave it here.

And offer her THANKS and a pink rose from her garden to the sweet fairy from which the gift has cometh... the fairy who lives in the far blue yonder, in a little cottage with a big white veranda…

Her name is Sandra and if you happened to see her would you tell her how sweet she is and how she makes my heart sing... magic comes without a sound, always there when you turn around, friends as magic comes from the heart, fluttering from the start...

Friendship is endless joy!

I'll let you know what's inside soon!
