How to Lose Weight and Last Day for Special!!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Healthy weight management begins with giving your body all that it needs nutritionally while optimizing your natural ability to burn calories. Our products help keep your blood sugar levels normal along with providing all the vitamins and minerals you need.

Cinch Starter Kits

Ready to start shedding those pesky pounds? Then say hello to the Cinch Starter Kit. The starter kit includes everything you need to keep the muscle you have, burn the fat you don't need, and lose inches. Our kits come in vanilla and chocolate.  You can also buy strawberry and Cafe Latte.

Cinch 3-in-1 Boost

This is one mighty pill.  It contains a proprietary thermogenic blend with 270 mg of calorie-burning EGCG that helps to boost metabolism and retain stable blood sugar levels. The built-in multivitamin and multimineral will provide the nutrition you need.

Cinch Shake Mix

Cinch Shake Mix provides a delicious and complete breakfast or lunch- all you have to do is add two scoops to 1 cup of nonfat milk or light soy milk and you're good to go! It's powered by Leucine to help preserve muscle while you lose weight. With 24 grams of protein per serving, it controls hunger and helps you feel full and satisfied. Cinch Shake Mixes are available in chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, and café latte.

Cinch Bar Assortment Pack

You deserve a treat, and with Cinch Bars there's no need for guilt, because they only taste indulgent. These bars contain no artificial colors, sweeteners, or flavors and no trans fats.Ten grams of protein per bar control hunger and help you feel full. Leucine helps preserve muscle while you lose weight. Each Cinch Bar Assortment Pack contains 4 Chocolate Decadence bars, 3 Peanut Butter Crunch bars, and 3 Lemon Cranberry bars.

Cinch Pomegranate Energy Tea

Enjoy and benefit from an uplifting cup. As if the exotic white, red and Matcha green teas aren't extraordinary enough, we added the juicy flavor of pomegranate. Don't be surprised to find yourself with the natural energy to squeeze more out of every day.  I know I do! :)

Cinch Whey Protein Blend Vanilla Shake Mix, Canister

A vanilla shake that's anything but plain vanilla. It's made with a whey and milk protein blend, so you feel "whey" full. Leucine so you don't lose muscle. And creamy flavor so you don't lose your will. You get all the benefits of a meal. Except it tastes like dessert.

I showed you here, pictures of my before and afters from being on the Cinch Inch Loss Plan for only 3 months!




My sister also shared her story here.  Doesn’t she look great?!?!



If you have been thinking about losing weight


if you have been trying and nothing has worked for you…

then try our Cinch Inch Loss Plan today!

Today is the last day for our January Special!

For all new member orders over $70, Shaklee is giving you the Cinch Weight Loss Sampler Pack for FREE!!

Your product order must over $70 (at member’s price/MN) and then you must sign up as a member (or distributor if you want to earn money from home) and then checkout.  Make sure it says that you qualify for the free Sampler Cinch Kit at the top.  Please email me (  if you have any other questions.  This is a great deal!  I have never seen anything like it before!

Also, contact me for MY SPECIALS!!!

This kit retails for $101.90!!!! 


FREE Cinch Sampler Pack Vanilla

Limited time offer! This great sample pack contains:

Cinch Vanilla soy shake mix (15 servings)

Cinch Peanut Butter Snack Bars (10 bars)

Cinch Energy Tea, Pomegranate flavor (28 servings)


Program Guide

Three month membership to

Again…This kit retails for $101.90!!!!

This is a limited time offer only available until January 31, 2011, or while supplies last.  So Hurry up!

For more info about Cinch products, please visit…

Need to Lose Wieght?

…and get your FREE ANALISIS today!

Learn about the REAL SCIENCE behind it here!

Shaklee always had 100% money back guarantee so if you are not satisfied than you can get all you money back.

Thanks so much and have a great day!


How to Clean your Oven: The Ultimate Shaklee Test

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Happy Sunday!  I hope that you are having a relaxing day today.  We are going to go to church and then going to relax and play games.  My kids have really been into Chutes and Ladders and Sequence for Kids.  I think we play almost everyday now, lol! 

How is you mind organizing going?  If you posted about it, please link up here and you can also post it on my facebook page along with the author of the book Organize Now!’s page.
Anyway, I just wanted to show you another amazing Shaklee testimony!!!  Even I was blown away, ha!  Leah from Flawless Human was at it again with her cleaning skills.
  She showed us here her review about Shaklee’s Dish Wash Concentrate.  Today is showing us how to clean our oven.  She really worked hard and it paid off.  Her oven looks brand new again!! :)

Here is her post…

The Ultimate Shaklee Test

I WAS skeptical.

I just didn't think it would work.

It hadn't been done in months.

I was avoiding the chemicals heavy duty oven cleaners have.

It WAS disgusting and humiliating!

Enter - Shaklee Get Clean De-greaser & Scour Off.

De-greaser is made from Basic H concentrate.

First, I have to say I LOVE the smell of Scour Off, it's like Cherry Bubblegum.

(kind of looks like it too, if gum were a paste)

Second, it's all natural, safe for you, your home, and your planet. NO more mask, burning eyes or hands!

Third, IT WORKS!

Don't believe me? Check out the proof!


Now you can see I wasn't exaggerating about the grossness!

After taking this picture I sprayed it all with the de-greaser, let it set a few minutes and wiped to get all the gooey loose stuff off.

Then scrubbed away with the paste and a scrubby sponge.


Can you believe it?!

Yes, there's a couple spots left and I could have gotten them off but I just plum ran out of stamina.

(I took a "break" to clean my in-laws place between cleaning the door and oven)

Here's the fine print:

this method WILL require time, LOADS of energy and elbow grease!

And though I'd like to say the scour off paste did it all... a metal putty knife was used CAREFULLY as well.

I'd also recommend NOT letting your oven get as bad as mine!!!

In conclusion...

I would definitely say TRY IT yourself! Shaklee products are great, good for you and they have a wide variety of uses as well as great prices.
[I am not paid or instructed to do these reviews by Shaklee. I'm simply a happy customer.]

WOW!!!!  Can you believe that?  Doesn’t her oven look great?

Thanks Leah for writing and sharing this! 

Please go visit Leah and tell her that she did a great job!!! :)

If you ordered Shaklee from me, please grab a button for your blog.


Have a great Sunday!!!


Also don’t forget about my January Special and please contact me for my specials!!! :)  


Dreaming in Holy Land

Friday, January 28, 2011
Remember the song that goes something like, “tell me did the wind sweep you off your feet, did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day…” Well, yes! I mean no, I wasn’t swept off my feet by wind, but yes, after rain and wind went away, I did get the chance to dance along beautiful sunshiny trails and beautifully bright mornings…

It is so beautiful here and so wonderful to be able to wrap myself in sunshine and warmth. I am always amaze at how the sun shines here in the south… it seems to have a different illumination here, sort of a magical and wonderful brilliance that I cannot find in the north… sunshine and warmth—it makes me shiver with content and joy, and it makes me want to dance… and dance…

At some point during the day yesterday, something got over me... I felt I was being transported to the Holy Land… And perhaps I was!

We got to share bread and wine with some very special people...

And we witnessed the most amazing happening of all times. It was really astounding, and I was lucky to have it all captured in memories forevermore….

Hope you all have a blessed and sunshiny weekend!! I’ll try to post my “Show Off Your Cottage Monday”, but I might not have Internet where I’m going next, so if you don’t see my post there, now you know why.

How to Organize Your Mind

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Welcome to Week 1 of our Organize your Life series!

I am really excited about this and based on your comments this is exactly what we all need!

Organize your LIFE

I am reading and using the book called Organize Now! by Jennifer Ford Berry to help me organize my life.

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There is still time to join and enter to win your own copy here.  You can also buy the book from the link below.

This week’s challenge is a really important one…Organizing your mind!

Often, when we think of organizing, we think of organizing paper, toys, clothes, etc. but before we can really organize our house or surroundings, we need to be mentally organized!

This weeks challenge maybe easy or difficult depending on each person.

This week, you need to work on de-cluttering your mind and start thinking positively!

Here are your goals for this week:

Get at least 7 hours of sleep a night.-  I have to admit, this is a hard one for me because I really like staying up late and I am not really a fan of waking up too early!  I have decided to go to bed at 10:00pm and wake up early (around 5-6:00am) instead of staying up late.  Studies show that if you are asleep between 10PM – 2 AM, you get better quality sleep and I can sure use that to help my mind! :)

Keep a To-Do List- I found this on my Word program.  You can use this one or make/buy a different one.  Just make sure you write everything down.  This is great for your mind because you can stop trying to remember everything.  I liked this sheet because everything is all on one piece of paper….simple!

To Do List

 Start a Journal- I use my blog as a journal, does that count? lol!  I don’t have time for one now but for some of you, this might be exactly what you need. 

Limit TV- Too much TV is not healthy for you.  This will be easy for me because I rarely watch TV.  We don’t even have cable/dish….I know….we are the only ones without it but it saves us time and money.  Anyway, who needs TV when we have blogs, right?  lol!

Schedule Breaks (for yourself)- I give myself a short coffee break at lunchtime.  Usually when the kids are eating lunch.  I don’t actually have a break by myself, but I stop doing things.  At this time, I usually read to the kids while I drink my coffee.  I love reading to the kids midday because they need a break too and I read to them while they are finishing up lunch and they are still in their chairs/highchairs  (that way they are forced to listen to the book, lol…I am sneaky like that!)

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Pray/Meditate-  This can be hard to fit in if you are not used to doing.  I need to squeeze it in where we can.  We of course say Grace before we eat.  But I also pray out loud in the car on the way to school with the kids.  We also pray again at bedtime and my husband and I pray together before bed.  We also started reading a prayer/meditating book.  This is a great way to relax!

Exercise- This can REALLY help your mind…I am a Certified Personal Trainer and have seen this help people mentally so many times!!!  I love working out but even I was having a hard time fitting it into my schedule.  So I  joined a gym about 3 months ago because I needed to workout and I just wasn’t doing it at home.  I felt guilty about taking that time away from the kids.  I found a clean, local gym that the kids love so now I get to workout and the kids can run around and play in the childcare.  They have fun active things for the kids to do when I am exercising so this helps the kids stay active too.  Since working out regularly again, I have really noticed a huge improvement in how I feel.  I workout 3-6 times a week.  Besides feeling more tone, I love the little free time to myself and the mental clarity that  it gives me.  I feel like it makes me a better wife and mother.

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Schedule “me time”- I know that a lot of people, especially moms, put everyone else first and sometimes never get around to doing anything for themselves.  So if you are one of those women,  I am giving you permission to do something for yourself.  By doing this, you are really helping you and everyone else around you.  I know the better I feel, the better mom and wife I am! :)  Sometimes just painting my nails or taking a bath makes me feel refreshed and recharged.

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De-clutter- Try to de-clutter the things that are bothering you the most this week.  By doing this, you can really free up your mind.  I kept a bin in my kitchen all week and filled it up with things that I didn’t want/use anymore. I liked keeping the bin out because I really wanted to fill it up and sometimes I just need a place to put things I don’t want.  Then I brought it to my basement to get ready for my garage sale.

Start a schedule- This is next week’s challenge….organizing your schedule.  So start thinking about it and figuring what works best for you and your family.  You show me your schedule and I will show you mine…I love schedules so that should be a lot of fun!! :)

For more tips or organizing your mind, please read Organize Now!

So please try to organize your mind this week and tell us how you did that. 

How did you apply these goals to your life?

What do you do to help keep your mind sane and balanced?

We love reading about this so please share all!!!! 

Please grab a button if you are joining.

Organize your life

Link up your challenge below.

I can’t wait to see how you organize your mind! :)

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Also don’t forget about my January Special and please contact me for my specials!!! :)

A Simple January Vignette

2011 01 24_2127

It felt so good to put all my Christmas decor away!  I LOVE Christmas decorating but after the new year when it is all put away, my house just feels so clean, simple and fresh!   LOVE that!!! :)

I kept my house totally “undecorated” meaning I didn’t put anything back that I took away for my Christmas stuff.  (except for the bigger stuff).

It took me a couple of days to get used to it but I LOVED having less stuff around! 

But this week I was itching to bring a couple of new, fresh items out!

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So I decorated my favorite little table in my house.

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This is one of the first things that you can see when you enter my house.  I love this little table and bought it a couple years ago from a garage sale for only $30! Boo-Yah!!!

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I knew I wanted to use this frame that I bought from a garage sale over the summer. 

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So on Saturday, I took pictures of my little kiddos to fit the frame.

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I wanted to take new 2011 pictures that would be neutral and match my house.

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So I used my house as the background…I knew that would match, lol!

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Then I added a couple of other light  accessories.

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I wanted a simple and fresh look! :)

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And I just had to add a little pot of flowers.

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I LOVE flowers…even though these are fake.  Shhh, lol! :)

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I am really happy how my little vignette turned out!

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Simple. Clean. Fresh. Light.

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What kind of decorating did you do after you put all the Christmas decor away?

Did you cut back?

Did you change it up at all?

Have a great day! :)


Also don’t forget about my January Special and please contact me for my specials!!! :)