Hello! As you all know, I LOVE organizing but I HATE the cost of the really neat organizers out there. There are so many things I could buy to help me organize but sometimes those items cost more than what I would put into them, lol!
When I was doing the laundry this week, I was wanting a way to organize my kids sock/underwear drawers for cheap. I didn’t want to buy anything but I need something to help us.
So, I shopped my house and found a couple of 99 cent shoe bins and thought those might work as dividers! I tried it and it worked!!
I don’t know why but it’s those little things that make me happy, haha!
This is what I did to my daughter’s drawer…
I just placed the bin right in the middle to sort and divide.
I put her tights in the bin.
I put her socks on one side…
And her undies on the other!
This works for us…SIMPLE, ORGANIZED & FREE!
I also did this too her other drawer. In this drawer, I keep the things that she will wear with her uniform. (That way things don’t get messed up with the others.)
In the winter, she always wears undershirts. This just makes them easy to grab in the mornings.
These are the tights that she wears for school.
And these are her socks.
Having her school items separated, will save us time in the mornings!
Love that!
Since, I had an extra bin, I did the same to Michael’s drawer.
One side for summer PJ’s.
And undies.
Yup, I am happy about this little change!
Do you organized your drawers?
What do you use to keep things sorted?
Have a great day! :)
Don’t forget to follow me on facebook!!!
Bonnie :)