There is also the realization that the Wheel of the Solar Seasons has turned, cycling through another year once again. And thus, I’m soaking up as much sun as possible, as I can foretell a pretty nasty and cold winter is already lurking around the corner—to bite us when we least expect it.
Oh but we shouldn't be talking of winter here, right? And who would anyway with weather as lovely as this! It is indeed divine out here in the garden, with just the right tingle of mystery and anticipation brought in by nippy autumnal evening air...
So here we are... still dining outside, eating salads from our organic garden under some magical bluish-pink skies....
I love this lamp. It looks so lovely here cozying up my evenings again... it looks particularly enchanting against the darkness and chill of the outside.
What is it about a window soothed by the soft light of a lamp that so enchants me? Are you like that too? Think about this: The mellifluous garden swathed in shadows and gentleness, the quietness distilled and that sense of mystery and seclusion brought in by autumn’s chilly breath, and then... the soft light on the window beckoning me; reminiscent of home and warmth and comfort and love and everything that’s good...
That is why I’d usually take my ‘magic’ lamp back to the hobbit hole down the hall under the stairs every spring and keep it there all through the summer until the arrival of fall; when again I would polish it and bring it back to enchant my evenings.There is something about the quietness and beauty of these imageries I think... it’s magical! But the real magic can only happen at the right time, and in my opinion that ‘right time’ starts right with the arrival of fall... the feeling is not the same in the summer when it's hot outside and natural light aplenty. I've seen magic happen, so I know it does... it may come sudden and go by quick, but sometimes it lingers at your very window... See what I mean?