Hello everyone! I have several news/updates for you!
This is some old info but I wanted to share some of the craziness that was going on around here behind the scene.
Well, Grace fell off a swing at my cousin’s house and broke her arm. This was not good because it was her right hand and she is right handed. 
to makes things even worse, the next week I broke my right foot!
YES, I was getting out of my kitchen chair and I twisted my foot just the right way to snap my 5th metatarsal in half. I heard the crack and feel to the floor immediately! I was home with the kiddos and they were wondering what happened to me. I knew instantly that it was broken. I couldn’t move it all and it seemed to hang there, it was gross!
This made things really hard for me because I couldn’t walk or drive at all! My foot hurt so bad and was soo swollen that I had to keep it elevated all day.
Apparently, this is a common break. I was the 3rd person this happened to that day. And do you want to know something weird, whenever I was out, about one or two people a day would come up to me and tell me that this happened to them too!
I was shocked!!!
Has this every happened to you or anyone you know?
Things quickly piled up around here!
I was very blessed because my Mother-in-Law came to our house within days of me braking my foot and stayed for a whole month! She drove the kids to school, went shopping for me, cooked for us, did laundry, etc. She was a huge help!
I was able to play with my kids on the floor! That was a bonus! 
Grace’s broken arm didn’t stop Grace from being her girlie self!
Then Grace had her cast taken off and I didn’t need my crutches anymore!
After that we were able to enjoy life again!
We took the kids to a local scarecrow festival! The kids had a blast!!
Now, I am out of my cast and we are getting back to normal! It was a crazy busy month!
I got very behind on things because everything I did took me FOREVER to accomplish! I was just doing the bear minimum!
I will keep you updated!
Have a great weekend! 
Bonnie :)