Good morning!! :) First I would like to thank you all for your prayers about my son.
I am excited about this awesome guest post from my friend Katie! She blogs over at Building a House of Love! She just started Parenting Tip Thursday over at her blog and wanted to share with all of you too! :)
Here you go...
Thanks for stopping by on my very first Parenting Tip Thursday! There are a few things I want to mention up front…
1. I am NOT an expert. I’m not trying to be an expert. I’m simply sharing some of the things I have learned. :)
2. The Parenting Tip Thursday button was made by me. The picture is of my sweet friend Stacy Hicks and the photography was done by the most awesome Rachel Blackwell. They are both amazing ladies!
3. Please don’t leave any negative comments. These are strictly things that I have learned through a few different series of parenting books. Take what you like, leave what you don’t!
Alrighty! So let’s get down to the nitty-gritty! I think the most important thing to start with is to identify what type of personality your kiddos have.
These personality traits are identified into four categories as GEMS. When you know your child’s dominant personality gem, then you will know how to communicate with them and how to motivate them!
Okay, so here are the gems and a few details about each one.
- Very verbal, talking constantly. They wake up talking. :)
- They’re loud, fun and wild.
- The love music- usually “loud” music.
- Always telling stories, no pauses in their communication.
- Motivators, pot-stirrers, risk-takers.
- They have an infectious laugh and LOVE to laugh.
- They love people and popularity.
- They love parties and excitement.
- Multi-taskers.
- Naturally want to serve.
- Naturally want to help with dishes and laundry.
- Very sensitive.
- Calm and even-keeled.
- They like the arts!
- They like to be alone or in small groups.
- They usually listen well and are compliant, honest, loyal, mellow, and quiet.
- Peacemakers.
- Moments of wildness but mostly they are quiet and subdued.
- Love puzzles and problem solving!
- Extreme thinkers!
- Heart for righteousness.
- Once they have learned something you don’t have to remind them.
- Naturally want to keep things orderly and clean.
- They like schedules and routines.
- Very predictable.
- They like to be themselves and are very confident!
- Warriors.
- They are driven with strong desires and are very passionate!
- They like to be in authority.
- They like to take charge!
- Very determined, bold, confident, and bossy.
- They have to be the best and win!
- Fast!
- Dominating!
- Big thinkers and show initiative.
- Very competitive.
So there are the gems in a nutshell!
I will be completely honest and say that it was hard for me to identify Tryp. Let me explain why. Your child can be a part of some or even ALL of the traits but you want to find the one that is dominate. Which one does he/she fall under the most?!
Here is what I’m running into. I think that Tryp is either dominant Emerald or Ruby. I am a tie between Emerald and Ruby…more Ruby though! {Hank is a pearl!}
We (as parents) have a tendency to push our own gem trait onto our children. I’m going to be paying closer attention to little things about Tryp to help put him into one category! :)
So what does this have to do with parenting??
Next Thursday I’m going to post more about each gem and how to MOTIVATE them daily!
Each gem is motivated differently! Each gem communicates differently!
So what gems do you have in your household?
Daughter to the King. Wife to an amazing police officer. Mommy to a four year old prince and seven month old princess. Giver of knowledge to a group of fourth graders. Lover of life. You can read a multitude of things here but the main focus is domestic life (i.e. cooking, babies, cleaning, kids, life lessons, crafty things, teacher things and so on.) |
WOW!!! Awesome stuff, right? I know that I am a total sapphire and my husband is a ruby! Grace and Matthew are sapphires too and I think Michael is an emerald. I love this kind of stuff!!
What are you are your kids?
Have a great weekend and don't forget to go and follow Katie for more tips! :)