Now, you'd have to remember that this is the sweetest, most mysterious-looking place any one can imagine. And I said “mysterious” because… well, it just is!
You can imagine my surprise as I was weeding and trimming those slim, wispy little things flowers-like Lady Sleepers, when something totally unexpected surfaced from the ground... Ah yes, the most peculiar of things you can ever imagine; right here in this very spot. A complete surprise!
And what was it I found?--you'd ask. And would you believe me if I told you it was the most precious little china cup?

I know I know… strange things such as this have a propensity to occur here; I mean like finding china cups mysteriously hanging from tree branches and such... just like it happened last fall as you can see here... but that's just how things are around here.
Ah yes my dears, as I was saying, this little teacup lay about three inches down in the soil, and it was very dirty, but underneath the grime showed a lovely bright blue… Holding it up, I rubbed off some of the dirt until finally the bright blue of the china shone out…
It looked as if it might have belonged in a child’s playhouse… I couldn’t believe it was not broken. And how did it get in the garden? That’s what a magical garden will do, I supposed… things would drop down into it and get lost for days, and then all of a sudden they’ll rise up out of nowhere into the light of day…

There was no reason I could think of why this teacup should had been there. Do you think someone might had buried it there? But who… and why?
All of a sudden, I had the most unnerving certainty... I knew exactly who the little cup belonged to... you see, in a far corner of the garden, right under the flowering pear tree I could see the most ridiculous of things... a witch’s hat and staff on that tree?
Had you been here standing right beside me, I’m sure you would had seen my hands shaking and my heart… you would had hear my heart thumping: pa rum pum pum! And how would it not! A witch in my garden! Could it be possible? Loco loco!
Oh, I think I might had even caught a glimpse of the witch as she was making her exodus out of the garden... in a hurry! Maybe she was planning a tea party with her witches friends under the flowering pear tree and I just spoiled the moment? You'll never know!
Well, maybe teacups just won't burst out of the ground like that, and maybe witches are only the product of an over-fertile imagination, but I'm sure if you pay close attention to your surroundings you'll find innumerable little surprises scattered all around you everywhere you go... and I mean EVERYWHERE, not just only in your garden... Our Father scatters blessings unimaginable upon his earthly children, we just don't have the eyes to see, or feel. And you know why? Because we need to grow eyes in our heart and eyes in our soul.
What I am trying to say is…SEE with your HEART so that you can see what you really need to see. Look only in those places that nurture the deepest part of you. Think thoughts that feed your soul. No gift on earth could compare with this, for it touches us more profoundly than our imagination can envision.
Peace be to you my friend...