Hello there! Loveliest greetings from my petal-filled little world.
Sometimes all she needs is a little pink me up,
but sometimes an abundance.
Sometimes she needs roses,
sometimes peonies would do just fine...

Peonies in an old tarnish silver pot... so simple and lovely
Beautiful little accents around the house...
While less is more is my mantra in decorating,
this is just not the same when it comes to roses...
I just love those little summer's explosion of roses...
Don't you!

And here's a peep into my big little girl's room...
floral, bedding, roses and a little bit of pink too!

And what exciting things are happening in your part of the world? Lovely weather around here, spooky and strange happenings in the garden. Catching up on so much... Let's chat in the garden, shall we? Oh I have such stories to tell you; fairy tales and spooky tales... but maybe not today—it's getting late... but soon. Would you come back... oh do promise me you'll come back! ;)
Oh and before I forget.... I have uploaded a new version of Hollow Woods in Smashwords. So, if you have bought a copy already, please download the new version... I can assure you'll be spooky-liciously delighted. ;)
See you soon!