The boot season is here—rain has returned. The sky, laden with moisture, suddenly turned dark and smooth, as if someone had spread a monochrome veil across the expansion, suggesting the impression of a deep, immense sea above my head...
Ramshackle clouds outshined the afternoon light—heavy gray, a sleepy giant plopping shadows, strange curtain-like sheets of mist. Does the sky seem angry to you when it rains? It blooms and it sings to me... I can't exactly explain why, but rain gives me this exhilarating feeling; of joy and expectancy, as if something good would be about to happen… rain makes my heart go romantic. The feeling is inexplicably beautiful.

Rainy days bring in me a desire to bake and to connect with my inner self and gather rain-kissed roses under cool light showers...
Rain draws me to comfort food and caramel mochas on white glazed ceramic mugs in my cozy back porch…
It feels wonderful here in my back porch shrouded by the not-so-chilly-just-yet weather. As I enjoy little sips of mocha and watch the rain, I’m thinking the best thing one can do when it's raining is just to let it rain, sit down and enjoy it… don't you think so? Oh my, what was that? Did you hear that?
Yes yes... I'm sure I heard a rustling of leaves and branches in the wet garden… over there!
I see a creepy image approaching... can you see it too? Someone that looks like a witch... over there hiding behind the roses!
Better not move... pretend we haven't seen her...
I have an idea who that might be; it always happens, you see! With the first autumn rain comes the first of the witches.
It must be that time of the year again; time for dancing under the rain and time for the twirling and swirling of leaves and the gathering of witches… I hear the commotion of partying going on everywhere in blogland. Are you doing anything special? The pumpkins, the crafts, the baking, all the fun stuff! Oh I hope you do! I hope you get to celebrate such a lovely and brief window of time of cooler weather and fall fashion indulgences before we get completely submerge into another winter. Life is too short, live it to the fullest!!
Wishing you a magical week,
whether shimmering with stardust or just your glowing selves!