The nights are getting really cool around here. I hadn't realized how cool until we decided to sleep in our favorite guess room on the second floor last night and almost froze to death… so I’ve been fluffing up the nest before the long winter with new covers and beddings.
I must say. My bed feels soft and floppy. The colors are very fresh and I love the cottage feel to it; it’s like sleeping in a patch of vintage roses in a charming English country garden. I don't much like muddy, earthy colors for my beddings. I like different shades of pale pink together. There are so many shades of pink, and they all look beautiful together, to me.
Oh but wait! Would you like to hear more? I don't have time to finish the story tonight, but if you'd like to read more, you can check out my e-book, Hollow Woods by clicking on the image below! For those of you who have already bought the book, you're welcome to download the new version now available… as I'm continuously adding new stories to it!