I am having my Mother-in-Law stay with us so I have been busy getting ready for her to come. I thought that I would share with how I get ready for overnight guests.
The Guest Room
Make sure your guest sheets are clean.
Add a little Christmas decor
But not too much.
Keep it simple.
Make sure you take away your other decor before adding more. Keep it Simple!
If you can, clear out some closet space for your guest.
Empty out a drawer for some of their belongings.
The Bathroom
Make sure you have plenty of toilet paper and it is easy to find.
Make sure you have clean towels and they easily accessible.
Add a cute hand towel
Provide extra toiletries. I keep the ones from hotels and save incase someone forgets something.
Around the House
Pick up all the toys
Wash the Windows (I use Basic H)
Smell good – because my household cleaner doesn’t have a scent, around Christmas, I like to add peppermint essential oil to my spray bottle for Christmas time.
Plan a tablescape.
Stock the fridge
Keep extra throw blankets around.
Are you having guests this Christmas?
What do you do to get ready for them?
Bonnie :)