I'm not really an outdoorsy kind of person—least during the winter time. I’m quite content living in my garden; day and night, but that’s a different story during our long cold days. And it’s been so cold here lately—icy cold, with gray clouds during the day, and if it isn’t snowing; it’s raining. From blustery cold mornings to afternoon rain tickling the windows to cold nights accompanied by high winds... snow, wind, drizzling rain, sun for a moment, more wind and an occasionally glorious sky, then more rain... that’s how it’s been around here.
Thus, my favorite pastime these days has been curling up on the sofa with my favorite Romantic Country and Cottage Style books and magazines, my coffee and a few warm snuggly blankets.
Today is French Vanilla coffee in a teacup… I love it!

Do you prefer your coffee in a coffee mug or a teacup?
One of my favorite winter pastimes is baking… Can you imagine?—Inactivity and baking! Put both together and puff! ;)

So I’ve been wanting to bake some empanadas.
Almost every country in the world has some version of
empanada or turnover; some kind of meat, poultry, fish, cheese, vegetable or combination thereof, wrapped up in a small packet of dough.

Empanadas are versatile and delicious, but the tastiness of your empanada will rise and fall on the quality of the dough.

Your guests may rave about the scrumptious fillings, but you’ll know the secret to a great
empanada is the dough!

What do you like to do on cold winter days? Please do share, and keep yourself warm and cozy!