All Roses Show Off Your Cottage Monday

Sunday, June 26, 2011
Hello to you! And welcome to Show Off Your Cottage Monday, a blog party I host at the beginning of each week to celebrate the things we love about our homes and how we live. If you're new here, thanks for stopping by and if you've visited before, thanks for returning!

The House in the Roses

If you remember, last week I suggested that our theme for this week be "ROSE BOUQUETS".--simple, elegant, small, large, dried or fresh bouquets in whatever container or vase you wanted; but only just roses (not in bush)! And thus some of us worshipers of roses have come together for this special “Show Off Your Cottage Monday and prepared what I consider an extraordinary rose-filled post to brighten your day... so sit back and enjoy! The lovely hostesses are:

Hakan (the roseman), at Maleviks Rose Gardens

Pam, at White Ironstone Cottage

MarĂ­a Cecilia, at: Casa Dulce Hogar

Miss Bella, at: Bellas Rose Cottage

Carolyn, at Aiken House and Gardens

And some of my own bright beauties from The house in the roses:

Do you have some lovely rose bouquets you're just dying to show off? Now is the time! Link and take us there! Remember, if you rather show off something other than our theme feel free to link that up too! Just please link back to The House in the Roses as courtesy!