The true meaning of long weekends

Tuesday, July 5, 2011
For those of you who live outside the USA, here we had an extra long weekend due to the 4th of July Holiday, which, aside from the real meaning it connotes, for me means three days of pure pleasure just being at my favorite place ever—my home!

I cannot begin to tell you how much I truly appreciate spending those lovely summer days right here, at home. It’s the most rewarding vacation ever; although that means a lot of work to do too!

I cleaned and cooked and changed things around (something I truly enjoy doing), and I even had time to bake... another of my very favorite thing to do!

And of course, I spend hours working on the garden! Truly a joy! Do you see working in the garden more as a chore than a pleasurable hobby? Well, that depends on whether you are a gardeners or not. ;)

Ah, the joy of long holiday weekends! They re-energize, revitalize and send you back to work... maybe feeling a desperate urge to an early retirement so you can spend more time doing just what you love?