The joy of home

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Home—after another trip to Florida with dear mom and dad and sister Lissette. And how wonderful it is to return to the cozy nest nonetheless these wistful feelings of separation and longing that I always carry home with me after a short reunion with dear ones and people I so deeply care for and treasure... 




But how wonderful to be back to the usual comforts and the familiar... like my bed and the peaceful feeling and sweet repose that seems to shroud our home…

And my lovely garden… how it has changed in just a few days! And how adorable this mingling of seasons is… of roses and crimson leaves; summer and autumn holding hands. And how strange and how marvelous this embrace is to me…


Like a mystical dance the seasons mingle and share secrets untold…


Secrets from beyond the fields we know...



Mellow, rich, and deep whispers I hear in the sleepy garden...



Which is not really sleep; really! 



And it is unbelievably lovely with roses glowing in orange and red; still lasting this far into the season...

Ah yes, it is good to be home...  and to be able to blog and see your smiling face again it surely is twice as nice!  ;)

May all life's passing seasons
bring the best to you and yours!