A birthday on Valentine’s Day

Thursday, February 10, 2011
I love Jane Austen’s books. Of all of them, I absolutely adore Pride and Prejudice. What a masterpiece that is! I still remember the first time I read the book... oh the power bestowed, the magic that transported me ever so delicately into the world of 1813! And of course, oh oh Mr. Darcy!!

Do you love Mr. Darcy too? I was swept off my feet by Mr. Darcy the very moment he entered my Peripheral vision! Oh lala, enamorada, in un mare di emozione, head over heels in love!! And I mean it! Then came the movie and then came Colin Firth. Things got even better then! Colin Firth was everything I had imagined Mr. Darcy to be physically and more! I was madly in love with him! ;) I so wanted to be Lizzy! ;)

Well, can I tell you a little secret? I am a Lizzy. In a way I am. I am a blessed woman. I can sincerely and devotedly say that I married my own Mr. Darcy—a man that after so many years of sharing life together can still give me his best “Mr. Darcy” look and say straight into my eyes, “You have bewitched me, body and soul.”

Forever yours...

Happy Valentine’s Day dearest Mike... and a happy Happy Birthday to you!