Setting up the table

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
I’m setting up the table...

To create a somewhat romantic country atmosphere, I’m using my new country style iron pot holder as a centerpiece...

I love this little piece... it is in perfect condition, the wide-mouthed glass jars are the perfect size, and it only cost me $3.00! I can use it to hold kitchen utensils and napkins, but also flowers... Roses from the garden would look extra dreamy in these containers...

Tea is ready, and I have made a scrumpdelicious chocolate cake to go with it; topped with my ever favorite cream cheese frosting...

You see, the weather around here calls for baking. So that’s what I’ve been doing. Is spring at your doorsteps yet? Not here! I have a little grudge with Ms. Spring this year, yes I do! She’s been playing a little game with me... hide and seek hide and seek, and I’m starting to feel exhausted! Yes, it's still cold and it’s been raining and raining and then the sun comes out for a little bit—just a little bit to tease me, and here I am getting all excited for warmer weather... I see the first budding blossoms of tulips, daffodils and hyacinths and think: “It must be spring”! And so I go running to my shabby winter garden... but what a fool I am! The minute I wander outside, the craziest of winds starts to blow... or the coldest of rain would fall, and I have to run back indoors. There’s so much to do out there... so much! And sometimes you just have to brave the weather and do the job the best you can.

I know... spring cleaning can wait a little longer, right? But I’m extra eager and extra energized with thoughts of bringing the garden back to its formal orderly estate. And so, it’s been quiet a nightmare working in the garden these past few weeks.... phew! I’m convinced that my neighbors must think I’m absolutely cuckoo. But what can I do!

I’m joining these ladies for tea today: Tea Time Tuesday, Tea Time Tuesday, Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday, Table Top Tuesday, Martha's Favorites, A Return to Loveliness.